Neesa Bally

Jan 25, 20212 min

I'm back!

I must apologise for my extended absence. It has been hectic these past couple of months with online school, my day job and turning 40!

First, the wonderful #PBChat mentorship ended with a showcase. We each had to submit one story for agents and editors to browse and request if they were so inclined.

Everyone had lots of wondrous stories and many requests were made. Several of my fellow mentees have now secured agents!

I received a request and am currently awaiting a response. I am grateful that someone took notice of my little story :) Regardless whether this mentorship brings me an agent or not I wouldn't trade this opportunity for anything. Working with such an experienced author as Bridget Heos was incredible. It really helped improve my revision skills.

So what's new for 2021? Well, I joined Julie Hedlund's 12 x 12 Picture Book challenge. The community is fantastic, I already earned some badges and got the motivation to create and revise a few drafts.

I am also polishing up some stories for WriteMentor's Picturebook Prize, Nosy Crow's open submissions for writers of colour and #PBParty showcase. Oh and I also managed to snag a one on one meeting with a UK picture book agent in March for feedback on a couple of manuscripts. Yep! you can say I have been pretty busy.

Of course I keep querying and the rejections roll in but every once in awhile you get that little motivation to push on. I received that a couple of weeks ago from an agent. She gave me personalised feedback I am forever grateful for that.

So onward I go on this rollercoaster of a writing journey. As Homer Simpson famously said to Marge "I can't live the buttoned down life like you. I want it all: the terrifying lows, the dizzying highs, the creamy middles!"

